Wednesday, May 02, 2007


We had a playgroup at a park today. But it rained. So I invited 2 of the moms (and their 3 kids) to our house. It's the first time in YEARS that I have spontaneously invited people over. I honestly cannot remember the last time. (I have a very close friend who comes over on a planned weekly visit, though.)

I had lots of fun, and I think the kids and other moms had fun, too. :-) When they left, I felt great and thought "Wow, I feel like I have friends!"

After an interesting, in depth conversation with DS1, one of the moms said told him something to the effect of "you're pretty smart, aren't you." Those weren't her exact words, but close enough. He responded basically with, "As I get older, I get smarter." He just turned 5 last week, but he understands that he is learning new things all of the time and that he knows more now than he used to know.

I don't think he comprehends the implied comparison to other kids his age when an adult comments to him like that. Since we socialize with a wide age range of children in our homeschool circles, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't compare himself to other kids his age yet.

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