Sunday, July 06, 2008

What's in a Name?

Since DS1 will meet the Kansas age of compulsory attendance this school year, I will have to stop procrastinating and register our non-accredited private school. One of the required fields on the form is School Name. I don't want to be "(OurLastName) Homeschool". I don't really want "homeschool" as part of our name. Part of my reasoning is because homeschools aren't recognized as such legally. I'd like to be so satisfied with our name that I use it until DS2 graduates from high school. However, I would be content to keep the same name for 8 years, then create a new high school name.

As much as I like the name of this blog, I don't want to use it. It's just too long. I had a t-shirt made last year with "Life is Learning, Learning is Life, Everywhere, All the Time." That's a bit long for a school name, too, but since I like it even better than this blog's name it's going to be our motto.

When I registered with Scholastic Books as a homeschooler, even though I used our co-op name that ends with "academy" they still added "homeschool" to it. So what are we... to us? A school? An academy? A center? An institution? A homeschool? An adventure?

A month or two ago, I came up with the following list:
Center for Life Learning
Life Learning Center
Life Learning Academy
Learning Is Fun Everywhere
Learning Is For Eternity

Now I'm leaning toward
L i f i s    S c h o o l
Is there a better way to spell the first word? Life-Is? Lifeis? Please leave a comment telling me how you pronounced Lifis the first time you read it.

I'd like it to be something that sounds "normal" at first, then you "get it" (or at least other homeschoolers would get it).
Not At Home
At Home Plus
Home And Away
Wherever We Are
Brains In Gear
Learning Is
We Learn
Nottin (Not In)
Okay, these aren't very good. I'm getting sleepy. But you understand, right?

If I ever want to compare my kids to the official Kansas public school standards, Kansas Education Resource Center is the website I will use. It used to be very cumbersome to find the state standards on the KSDE website. Now this website has a very usable chart with links to the standards by curriculum area and grade.


  1. I pronounced it "life-is" in my head. What about the Lifis Education Center?

  2. I really like Cindy's idea about calling your educational institution "Lifis." We homeschoolers get it, and it sounds so official! :D

    After reading your blog about how Scholastic *still* added "homeschool" to the end of your registered school, I gave it a shot to see if I could bypass it; I could not. Their words were, "Please note: Scholastic must verify all school information before your account can be
    confirmed." They segregate us for whatever reason. (Giving them undue credit, maybe it's so they know if it's a huge account?)
    Anyway, keep up the great work! I found you accidentally, because we just got back from Platte River Archway, for our second time! (Cool, isn't it?)
    By the way, do you know what the old tent (after the bridge) is a replica of? Is it union related? trail related?

  3. Thanks for the comment. I decided to go "simple" and registered with the state as our last name "School". I plan to change it sometime, at the latest would be when my guys enter high school, so they can choose what will be on their diplomas. I might even do it sooner if they seem to care about it.
