Monday, December 11, 2006

Painting, Oil and Water, and Concrete

Today at playgroup both boys painted pictures. This is the first time since September, when we started going regularly, that either of them was interested in the paints. DS2 was first. His creative time lasted about 3 seconds and covered about 6 square inches. DS1 took more time, used all 3 colors, and covered every inch of the paper.

After showing Daddy, I am going to suggest that we could use it for Christmas wrapping paper. The red, green, and yellow (which was sort of orange due to a previous child's wrong dip) paint has glitter in it and is very pretty.

When we got home I made an oil and water bottle. The oil is slightly yellow, so I added a few drops of blue food coloring. When shaken, it takes on a nice aqua color. As it separates the bottom turns a very pretty deep blue and the top gets lighter. DS1 is really enjoying watching it change and then shaking it again.

We also watched our neighbor's sidewalk and driveway concrete get poured today. I enjoyed it more than the boys did, but they liked it when the workers smoothed the sidewalk because that wasn't as noisy as the cement truck. Because of the noisy trucks, we watched through our living room windows more than from the front porch, but it was still a very good view.

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